Activating Social Activism Program (ASAP)
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Activating Social Activism Program (ASAP) engages Japanese young adults (ages 18-25) through a three-month program focused on global and local issues including women’s economic inclusion; climate change; minority community issues and rights; diversity and equity, and the importance and value of the bilateral US-Japan partnership in youth leading the next generation of social and environmental solutions.
This program is funded by US Embassy Tokyo, and has three pillars where the first and second are virtual and the third is in Japan. The funding covers:
- all coursework and guest speakers online and in person,
- tuition in Japan, and
- part of transportation fees.
Any other expenses are participant’s responsibility such as:
- transportation fees between your home and training venue in Japan,
- accommodation or travel outside the program period, and
- any other personal expenses.
In partnership with
Online &
In-Person: 4 hours
Online: 10-11 hours
over 3 months
Primarily in English
with little to no
Japanese assistance
See above
Max 25 people
About the Program
With the support of U.S. Embassy Tokyo, RootSpring is introducing ASAP with three main phases:
Phase 1:
1 month of youth online training in social activism through a diversity and inclusion lens, to understand personal and societal connotations as related to themes.
Phase 2:
1 month of online mentorship in learning U.S.-Japan relations and global contexts and intersectionality of different themes of social activism.
Phase 3:
1 in person gathering to synthesize learning and integrate principles in a personal social activism project.
*Program participants must attend all sessions in every phase
Orientation: June 29th 11pm CST/ June 30th 6sm JST
Funding provided by the United States Government
Phase 1: Connecting to Community Course (ONLINE)
Dates: July 13, 20, 27, Aug 3 (2-4pm PST/5-7pm EST/6-8am next day JST)
Hours: 8 hours
Location: Online (Zoom)
During Phase 1, for the duration of one month, we focus on learning about civic participation through online meetings with people working on. We will invite 4 mentors from different social activism areas. Also, it includes interviews, community-based learning activities in their home communities, and ongoing reflective writing. The topics include, but not limited to:
- Inclusive societies through human rights paradigms and DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) principles
- Self awareness of identification of qualities
- Resources needed to be a grassroots activist
Phase 2: Learning Circle Advisors Sessions (ONLINE)
Date: Aug 10, 17 (2-3pm PST/5-6pm EST/6-7am next day JST)
Hours: 1 hour
Location: Online (Zoom)
For Phase 2, participants will join online mentorship in learning U.S.-Japan relations and global contexts and intersectionality of different themes of social activism. Mentorship lasts for 1 to 1.5 hours over a one month period. Each group of participants will work closely with a mentor to deepen their understanding about the social issues in a global context and gain vocabulary to speak about the issues as a young activist.
Also participants will increase their knowledge about how LGBTQ and DEIB are integrated into the U.S. support system. Additional offline/asynchronous activities are integrated with a course learning management system.
During Pillar Two, we will support participants following the session with learning circles (smaller groups of up to 5 students and a mentor) to help them define and develop new projects in their local community with ongoing mentorship through that coursework.
Phase 3: Empowerment for Action Session (IN PERSON)
Date: September
Hour: 4 hours
Location: Japan
For Phase 3, all participants will join an in-person gathering in Japan. This is to 1) reflect the learnings from the program, and 2) create a strong support system to sustain their project in their own communities.
Phase 3 helps create a culture of ongoing learning community among participants so it serves as a professional network beyond this program.
This gathering will be led by RootSpring and the RootSpring alumni community.
Course Details
*Due to the nature of the scholarship, this program is only for those aged between 18–25 years old with Japanese citizenship.
ASAP seeks a candidate who
- Demonstrated interest in civic participation and social activism.
- Demonstrated interest in learning from the U.S. experts and developing mentor-mentee relationships.
- English ability: basic conversation expected – although interpretation will be provided as needed.
Preferably, a candidate who
- lives and/or studies in areas outside of major urban centers;
- those directly connected to and/or advocating for historically-marginalized groups in Japan
- is with a demonstrated interest in Japan and/or US-Japan relations.
Application Process
- Submit the program application via the button down below
- Upon passing the first round, schedule an interview with RootSpring
- Interview
- Admission decision will be notified via email
Application Deadline: Thursday June 27, 2024
Sunny Watts
For over twenty years, Sunny has been an educator with a passion for creating dynamic learning environments for individuals from diverse international backgrounds. When developing curriculum, she focuses on incorporating arts infused disciplines, so as to facilitate active learning where individuals fully participate in their growth and development. She works with RootSpring participants with a level of devotion, playfulness and flexibility in order to best light up their learning experience. | Full bio>
Kei Kasukawa Eriksen
Kei brings her two decades of experience in working with international students, young professionals, and leaders for their personal and professional development. Over the years of working at iLEAP and other colleges, she has guided youth and young professionals on their leadership journey, career paths and life transition with her deep listening and inquiry. Kei holds a Master’s degree from the SIT Graduate Institute in International Education specializing in student advising and cross cultural advising. Kei is also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).
1-2部はオンライン、3部は日本での対面セッションで、奨学金によってプログラム参加費は免除され、対面プログラム実施時は交通費が最大8,000円支給されます。ただし、(1) プログラム参加のために必要な上記以外の交通費、(2) プログラム日外の宿泊費、(3) 個人的な支出、(4) インターネット通信費、(5) 旅行保険代等は参加者の負担です。
In partnership with
Online &
In-Person: 4 hours
Online: 10-11 hours
over 3 months
Primarily in English
with little to no
Japanese assistance
See above
Max 25 people
About the Program
- 自分と向き合いながら21世紀に社会活動に取り組む上で必要なリーダーシップを身に付けられるようになること
- 英語で自身が取り組んでいる社会活動を進めることができるようになること
- 違う問題に取り組む若者同士の交流やセッション、専門家のセッションやメンタリングを通して自身の取り組みの糸口や今後の方向性を定めることができるようになること です。
Funding provided by the United States Government
Phase 1: オンラインプログラム "Connecting to Community Course"
Orientation:6月30日 ㈰6am~7amに実施。
Dates: 7月14日、21日、28日、8月4日(日本時間6-8am)
Location: オンライン
第1部(1か月)では、人々が取り組んでいる様々なSocial Activityについてオンラインミーティングを通して学びます。ここでは、異なる分野で社会課題に関して最前線で活動している4名をメンターとして招き、インタビューやメンバーとの相互学習を通し、Social Activityへの理解を深めます。第1部では以下のようなことを学びます。
- 人権やDEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging)等を通したインクルーシブな社会の原則について
- セルフアウェアネスについて
- 草の根活動に必要なリソースについて
Phase 2: オンラインプログラム "Learning Circle Advisors Sessions"
Date: 8月11日、18日(日本時間6-8am)
Hours: 2時間
Location: オンライン (Zoom)
Phase 3: 対面プログラム "Empowerment for Action Session"
Date: 9月
Hour: 4時間
Course Details
- 社会活動や市民活動に関心がある人
- 日米の専門家から学ぶことやメンターシップを通して学ぶことに関心がある人
- 日常会話以上の英語力を持つこと
- 都市ではなく地方で住んでいる/学んでいる人
- 社会的に差別を受けてきた地域やその課題について取り組んでいる人もしくはつながりがある人
- 日米関係に関して関心がある人
- 以下のボタンから応募書類を提出してください
- 書類選考を通過すると、面接のご案内が届きます
- 面接
- メールにて合否をお知らせします
応募締め切り:2024年6月27日 (木)
Sunny Watts
For over twenty years, Sunny has been an educator with a passion for creating dynamic learning environments for individuals from diverse international backgrounds. When developing curriculum, she focuses on incorporating arts infused disciplines, so as to facilitate active learning where individuals fully participate in their growth and development. She works with RootSpring participants with a level of devotion, playfulness and flexibility in order to best light up their learning experience. | Full bio>
Kei Kasukawa Eriksen
Kei brings her two decades of experience in working with international students, young professionals, and leaders for their personal and professional development. Over the years of working at iLEAP and other colleges, she has guided youth and young professionals on their leadership journey, career paths and life transition with her deep listening and inquiry. Kei holds a Master’s degree from the SIT Graduate Institute in International Education specializing in student advising and cross cultural advising. Kei is also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).